Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A bit Depressing, but Good

In the mood for a historical adventure, filled with rich details about what life would be like in a Communist state? Read Anne Fine's The Road of Bones. This novel is a tale of survival by a young teen that is marked as "an enemy of the state" for a few muttered words. Yuri is on the run, leaving his family, to avoid the beating and eventual imprisonment for his crime that is not really a crime as we know it.

Terry Trueman's Hurricane: A Novel is based on Hurricane Mitch, one of the worst storms to ever hit the Caribbean. Jose is fourteen and lives in a small village with his parents, brothers, and sisters. Life is good for his family and him, as he goes to the International School and is learning to speak English, he plays soccer with his friends, and his village is filled with friendly, kind neighbors. But then, one night the hurricane arrives and life changes in a few short hours.

If you have read Ben Mikaelsen's Touching Spirit Bear, don't miss the sequel Ghost of Spirit Bear. Cole and Peter are leaving the island and going home and to the high school where it all started. Neither is sure they can handle the gangs, the taunts, and violence every day at their urban school. Has their time on the island been successful? How do they handle the new bullies that are just like Cole once was? Can they make changes?

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